The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Book 10 Chapter 4 Page 39

said Clopin.

The Bohemian tossed his head.

“I tell you, that ‘tis the spirit Sabnac, the grand marquis, the demon of fortifications. He has the form of an armed soldier, the head of a lion. Sometimes he rides a hideous horse. He changes men into stones, of which he builds towers. He commands fifty legions ‘Tis he indeed; I recognize him. Sometimes he is clad in a handsome golden robe, figured after the Turkish fashion.”

“Where is Bellevigne de l’Etoile?” demanded Clopin.

“He is dead.”

Andry the Red laughed in an idiotic way: “Notre-Dame is making work for the hospital,” said he.

“Is there, then, no way of forcing this door,”