The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Book 2 Chapter 6 Page 26

Thunes, successor to the Grand Co�sre, supreme suzerain of the Realm of Argot; Mathias Hunyadi Spicali, Duke of Egypt and of Bohemia, the old yellow fellow whom you see yonder, with a dish clout round his head; Guillaume Rousseau, Emperor of Galilee, that fat fellow who is not listening to us but caressing a wench. We are your judges. You have entered the Kingdom of Argot, without being an argotier; you have violated the privileges of our city. You must be punished unless you are a capon, a franc-mitou or a rifod�; that is to say, in the slang of honest folks, — a thief, a beggar, or a vagabond.

Are you anything of that sort? Justify yourself; announce your titles.”

“Alas!” said Gringoire, “I have not that honor. I am the author — “