The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Book 8 Chapter 5 Page 5

to me that it happened yesterday! My God!

my God! it would have been better not to give her to me than to take her away so soon. Did you not know that our children are part of ourselves, and that a mother who has lost her child no longer believes in God? Ah! wretch that I am to have gone out that day! Lord! Lord! to have taken her from me thus; you could never have looked at me with her, when I was joyously warming her at my fire, when she laughed as she suckled, when I made her tiny feet creep up my breast to my lips? Oh! if you had looked at that, my God, you would have taken pity on my joy; you would not have taken from me the only love which lingered, in my heart!

Was I then, Lord, so miserable a creature, that you could not look at me before condemning me? — Alas! Alas! here