Anna Karenina by Part 1 Chapter 19 Page 11

good-hearted, but he’s proud, and now he’s so humiliated. What touched me most...” (and here Anna guessed what would touch Dolly most) “he’s tortured by two things: that he’s ashamed for the children’s sake, and that, loving you—�yes, yes, loving you beyond everything on earth,” she hurriedly interrupted Dolly, who would have answered—�“he has hurt you, pierced you to the heart. ’No, no, she cannot forgive me,’ he keeps saying.”

Dolly looked dreamily away beyond her sister-in-law as she listened to her words.

“Yes, I can see that his position is awful; it’s worse for the guilty than the innocent,” she said, “if he feels that all the misery comes from his fault. But how am I to