Anna Karenina by Part 5 Chapter 2 Page 4

“Why so?”

“Oh, you’ll see! You care about farming, hunting, — well, you’d better look out!”

“Arhip was here today; he said there were a lot of elks in Prudno, and two bears,” said Tchirikov.

“Well, you must go and get them without me.”

“Ah, that’s the truth,” said Sergey Ivanovitch. “And you may say good-bye to bear-hunting for the future — your wife won’t allow it!”

Levin smiled. The picture of his wife not letting him go was so pleasant that he was ready to renounce the delights of looking upon bears forever.

“Still, it’s a pity they should get those two bears without you. Do you remember last time at Hapilovo? That was a delightful hunt!”