A Room With a View by Edward Morgan Forster Chapter 17 Page 11

even a new voice — ”

“What do you mean by a new voice?” she asked, seized with incontrollable anger.

“I mean that a new person seems speaking through you,” said he.

Then she lost her balance. She cried: “If you think I am in love with some one else, you are very much mistaken.”

“Of course I don't think that. You are not that kind, Lucy.”

“Oh, yes, you do think it. It's your old idea, the idea that has kept Europe back — I mean the idea that women are always thinking of men. If a girl breaks off her engagement, every one says: 'Oh, she had some one else in her mind; she hopes to get some one else.' It's disgusting, brutal! As if a girl can't break it off for the sake of freedom.”