A Room With a View by Edward Morgan Forster Chapter 2 Page 14

It's very naughty of me, but I would like to set an examination paper at Dover, and turn back every tourist who couldn't pass it.”

“What would you ask us?”

Miss Lavish laid her hand pleasantly on Lucy's arm, as if to suggest that she, at all events, would get full marks. In this exalted mood they reached the steps of the great church, and were about to enter it when Miss Lavish stopped, squeaked, flung up her arms, and cried:

“There goes my local-colour box! I must have a word with him!”

And in a moment she was away over the Piazza, her military cloak flapping in the wind; nor did she slacken speed till she caught up an old man with white whiskers, and nipped him playfully upon the arm.