Candide by Voltaire Chapter 10 Page 2

men, and that everyone has an equal right to the enjoyment of them; but, not withstanding, according to these principles, the Franciscan ought to have left us enough to carry us to the end of our journey. Have you nothing at all left, my dear Miss Cunegund?”

“Not a maravedi,” replied she.

“What is to be done then?” said Candide.

“Sell one of the horses,” replied the old woman. “I will get up behind Miss Cunegund, though I have only one buttock to ride on, and we shall reach Cadiz.”

In the same inn there was a Benedictine friar, who bought the horse very cheap. Candide, Cunegund, and the old woman, after passing through Lucina, Chellas, and Letrixa, arrived at length