A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court by Mark Twain Chapter 33 Page 20

be at least one country where the mechanic’s average wage will be two hundred cents a day!”

It knocked them absolutely dumb! Not a man of them could get his breath for upwards of two minutes. Then the coal-burner said prayerfully:

“Might I but live to see it!”

“It is the income of an earl!” said Smug.

“An earl, say ye?” said Dowley; “ye could say more than that and speak no lie; there’s no earl in the realm of Bagdemagus that hath an income like to that. Income of an earl — mf!

it’s the income of an angel!”

“Now, then, that is what is going to happen as regards wages. In that remote day, that man will earn, with one week’s