A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court by Mark Twain Chapter 44 Page 8

there was a revolution; in the fantastic frenzy of these dreams, I thought that Clarence and I and a handful of my cadets fought and exterminated the whole chivalry of England!

But even that was not the strangest. I seemed to be a creature out of a remote unborn age, centuries hence, and even that was as real as the rest! Yes, I seemed to have flown back out of that age into this of ours, and then forward to it again, and was set down, a stranger and forlorn in that strange England, with an abyss of thirteen centuries yawning between me and you! between me and my home and my friends! between me and all that is dear to me, all that could make life worth the living! It was awful — awfuler than you can ever imagine, Sandy. Ah, watch by me, Sandy — stay by me every moment — don’t let me go out of my