Crime and Punishment by Part 3 Chapter 2 Page 29

“He was not himself yesterday,” Razumihin said thoughtfully, “if you only knew what he was up to in a restaurant yesterday, though there was sense in it too... Hm! He did say something, as we were going home yesterday evening, about a dead man and a girl, but I didn’t understand a word... But last night, I myself...”

“The best thing, mother, will be for us to go to him ourselves and there I assure you we shall see at once what’s to be done. Besides, it’s getting late — good heavens, it’s past ten,” she cried looking at a splendid gold enamelled watch which hung round her neck on a thin Venetian chain, and looked entirely out of keeping with the rest of her dress. “A present from her fianc�,” thought Razumihin.