Critique of Judgement by Immanuel Kant Chapter 49 Page 8

definite form of words. — For the sake of brevity I must limit myself to a few examples only.

When the great King in one of his poems expresses himself as follows:

“Oui, finissons sans trouble et mourons sans regrets, En laissant l’univers combl� de nos bienfaits. Ainsi l’astre du jour au bout de sa carri�re, R�pand sur l’horizon une douce lumi�re; Et les derniers rayons qu’il darde dans les airs, Sont les derniers soupirs qu’il donne � l’univers;”

he quickens his rational Idea of a cosmopolitan disposition at the end of life by an attribute which the Imagination (in remembering all the pleasures of a beautiful summer day that are recalled at its close by a serene evening) associates with