David Copperfield by Charles Dickens Chapter 14 Page 16

me. I am not afraid of him, I am not proud, I am ready to take care of him, and shall not ill-treat him as some people (besides the asylum-folks) have done.” After a good deal of squabbling,’ said my aunt, ‘I got him; and he has been here ever since.

He is the most friendly and amenable creature in existence; and as for advice! — But nobody knows what that man’s mind is, except myself.’

My aunt smoothed her dress and shook her head, as if she smoothed defiance of the whole world out of the one, and shook it out of the other.

‘He had a favourite sister,’ said my aunt, ‘a good creature, and very kind to him. But she did what they all do — took a husband. And HE did what they all do —