David Copperfield by Charles Dickens Chapter 50 Page 7

‘I have been to him, and he is not at home.

I wrote down where he was to come, and left it on his table with my own hand. They said he would not be out long. I have tidings for him. Can you come directly?’

My answer was, to pass out at the gate immediately. She made a hasty gesture with her hand, as if to entreat my patience and my silence, and turned towards London, whence, as her dress betokened, she had come expeditiously on foot.

I asked her if that were not our destination? On her motioning Yes, with the same hasty gesture as before, I stopped an empty coach that was coming by, and we got into it.

When I asked her where the coachman was to drive, she answered, ‘Anywhere near Golden Square! And quick!’