First Love by Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev Chapter 12 Page 6

guessed by the expression of my face that I had regained consciousness, though I still kept my eyes closed, and rising rapidly to her feet, she said: ‘Come, get up, naughty boy, silly, why are you lying in the dust?’ I got up. ‘Give me my parasol,’ said Zina�da, ‘I threw it down somewhere, and don’t stare at me like that � what ridiculous nonsense! you’re not hurt, are you? stung by the nettles, I daresay? Don’t stare at me, I tell you� . But he doesn’t understand, he doesn’t answer,’ she added, as though to herself� . ‘Go home, M’sieu’ Voldemar, brush yourself, and don’t dare to follow me, or I shall be angry, and never again � ’

She did not finish her sentence, but walked rapidly away, while I sat down by the side of the road