First Love by Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev Chapter 6 Page 4

indifference; my father faintly frowned now and then. My mother did not like Zina�da either. ‘A conceited minx,’ she said next day. ‘And fancy, what she has to be conceited about, avec sa mine de grisette!’

‘It’s clear you have never seen any grisettes,’ my father observed to her.

‘Thank God, I haven’t!’

‘Thank God, to be sure � only how can you form an opinion of them, then?’

To me Zina�da had paid no attention whatever. Soon after dinner the princess got up to go.

‘I shall rely on your kind offices, Maria Nikolaevna and Piotr Vassilitch,’ she said in a doleful sing-song to my mother and father. ‘I’ve