Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain Chapter 33 Page 19

believe anybody was going to give the king and the duke a hint, and so if I didn’t hurry up and give them one they’d get into trouble sure.

On the road Tom he told me all about how it was reckoned I was murdered, and how pap disappeared pretty soon, and didn’t come back no more, and what a stir there was when Jim run away; and I told Tom all about our “Royal Nonesuch” rapscallions, and as much of the raft voyage as I had time to; and as we struck into the town and up through the middle of it — it was as much as half after eight then — here comes a raging rush of people with torches, and an awful whooping and yelling, and banging tin pans and blowing horns; and we jumped to one side to let them go by; and as they went by I see they had the king and the duke astraddle of a rail