Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain Chapter 34 Page 13

“No, it warn’t; but it’s the plan now.”

So, drat him, we went along, but I didn’t like it much.

When we got in we couldn’t hardly see anything, it was so dark; but Jim was there, sure enough, and could see us; and he sings out:

“Why, Huck! En good lan’! Ain’ dat Misto Tom?”

I just knowed how it would be; I just expected it. I didn’t know nothing to do; and if I had I couldn’t ’a’ done it, because that nigger busted in and says:

“Why, de gracious sakes! Do he know you genlmen?”

We could see pretty well now. Tom he looked at the nigger, steady and kind of wondering, and says: