Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain Chapter 40 Page 15

’a’ whooped him over the border — that’s what we’d ’a’ done with him — and done it just as slick as nothing at all, too.

Man the sweeps — man the sweeps!”

But me and Jim was consulting — and thinking. And after we’d thought a minute, I says:

“Say it, Jim.”

So he says:

“Well, den, dis is de way it look to me, Huck. Ef it wuz him dat ’uz bein’ sot free, en one er de boys wuz to git shot, would he say, ’Go on en save me, nemmine ’bout a doctor f’r to save dis one’? Is dat like Mars Tom Sawyer? Would he say dat? You bet he wouldn’t! Well, den, is Jim gywne to say it? No, sah — I doan’ budge a step out’n dis place ’dout a doctor; not if it’s forty year!”