Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë Chapter 14 Page 37

Ad�le’s little foot was heard tripping across the hall.

She entered, transformed as her guardian had predicted. A dress of rose-coloured satin, very short, and as full in the skirt as it could be gathered, replaced the brown frock she had previously worn; a wreath of rosebuds circled her forehead; her feet were dressed in silk stockings and small white satin sandals.

“Est-ce que ma robe va bien?” cried she, bounding forwards; “et mes souliers? et mes bas? Tenez, je crois que je vais danser!”

And spreading out her dress, she chass�ed across the room till, having reached Mr. Rochester, she wheeled lightly round before him on tip-toe, then dropped on one knee at his feet, exclaiming —

“Monsieur, je vous remercie mille fois de votre bont�;”