Ten Years Later: Louise de la Valliere by Alexandre Dumas Chapter 13 Page 13

and everything is possible, you know — you understand?” De Guiche shuddered. “If I kill you,” continued De Wardes, “you will have secured two mortal enemies to Madame, who will do their very utmost to ruin her.”

“Oh! monsieur,” exclaimed De Guiche, furiously, “do not reckon upon my death so easily. Of the two enemies you speak of, I trust most heartily to dispose of one immediately, and the other at the earliest opportunity.”

The only reply De Wardes made was a burst of laughter, so diabolical in its sound, that a superstitious man would have been terrified.

But De Guiche was not so impressionable as that. “I think,” he said, “that everything is now settled, Monsieur de