Ten Years Later: Louise de la Valliere by Alexandre Dumas Chapter 20 Page 21

exasperated beyond all control, at the different rumors now being circulated about this person? Must I, if you persist in this willful blindness, and if respect should continue to prevent me naming her, — must I, I repeat, recall to your recollection the various scenes which Monsieur had with the Duke of Buckingham, and the insinuations which were reported respecting the duke’s exile?

Must I remind you of the anxious care the comte always took in his efforts to please, to watch, to protect that person for whom alone he lives, — for whom alone he breathes? Well! I will do so; and when I shall have made you recall all the particulars I refer to, you will perhaps understand how it happened that the comte, having lost all control over himself, and having been for some time past almost harassed to death by De