Moby Dick by Herman Melville Chapter 123 Page 9

with all the crew! Great God, where art Thou? Shall I? shall I? — The wind has gone down and shifted, sir; the fore and main topsails are reefed and set; she heads her course.”

“Stern all!

Oh Moby Dick, I clutch thy heart at last!”

Such were the sounds that now came hurtling from out the old man’s tormented sleep, as if Starbuck’s voice had caused the long dumb dream to speak.

The yet levelled musket shook like a drunkard’s arm against the panel; Starbuck seemed wrestling with an angel; but turning from the door, he placed the death-tube in its rack, and left the place.

“He’s too sound asleep, Mr. Stubb; go thou down, and wake him, and tell him.

I must see to the deck here. Thou know’st what to say.”