Moby Dick by Herman Melville Chapter 56 Page 3

whales and whaling scenes to be anywhere found, are two large French engravings, well executed, and taken from paintings by one Garnery.

Respectively, they represent attacks on the Sperm and Right Whale. In the first engraving a noble Sperm Whale is depicted in full majesty of might, just risen beneath the boat from the profundities of the ocean, and bearing high in the air upon his back the terrific wreck of the stoven planks. The prow of the boat is partially unbroken, and is drawn just balancing upon the monster’s spine; and standing in that prow, for that one single incomputable flash of time, you behold an oarsman, half shrouded by the incensed boiling spout of the whale, and in the act of leaping, as if from a precipice.

The action of the whole thing is wonderfully good and