Moby Dick by Herman Melville Chapter 9 Page 7

thousand miles to the westward from that, just outside the Straits of Gibraltar.

See ye not then, shipmates, that Jonah sought to flee world-wide from God? Miserable man! Oh!

Most contemptible and worthy of all scorn; with slouched hat and guilty eye, skulking from his God; prowling among the shipping like a vile burglar hastening to cross the seas. So disordered, self-condemning is his look, that had there been policemen in those days, Jonah, on the mere suspicion of something wrong, had been arrested ere he touched a deck. How plainly he’s a fugitive! No baggage, not a hat-box, valise, or carpet-bag, — no friends accompany him to the wharf with their adieux. At last, after much dodging search, he finds the Tarshish ship receiving the last items of her cargo; and as he steps