The Blithedale Romance by Nathaniel Hawthorne Chapter 11 Page 11

forward a claim, on your own grounds, to call the lady by a name so appropriate to her splendid qualities. But I am willing to know her by any cognomen that you may suggest.”

Heartily wishing that he would be either a little more offensive, or a good deal less so, or break off our intercourse altogether, I mentioned Zenobia’s real name.

“True,” said he; “and in general society I have never heard her called otherwise. And, after all, our discussion of the point has been gratuitous. My object is only to inquire when, where, and how this lady may most conveniently be seen.”

“At her present residence, of course,” I replied. “You have but to go thither and ask for her.

This very path will lead you within sight of the house; so I wish you good-morning.”