The Blue Castle by Lucy Maud Montgomery Chapter 25 Page 11

said Barney with a grin.

“Exactly.” Valancy laughed gaily. “Dear me, I’m glad this is over. It has been — a bit of an ordeal. You see, I’m not in the habit of going about asking men to marry me. It is so nice of you not to refuse me — or offer to be a brother!”

“I’ll go to the Port tomorrow and get a license. We can be married tomorrow evening. Dr. Stalling, I suppose?”

“Heavens, no.” Valancy shuddered. “Besides, he wouldn’t do it. He’d shake his forefinger at me and I’d jilt you at the altar. No, I want my old Mr. Towers to marry me.”

“Will you marry me as I stand?” demanded Barney. A passing car, full of tourists, honked loudly —