The Blue Castle by Lucy Maud Montgomery Chapter 38 Page 18

own bank account — travel — seeing the world — but he wasn’t happy. Not till he fell in love with Ethel Traverse. Then he was happy for a little while.”

The cloud had reached the sun and a great, chill, purple shadow came swiftly over Mistawis. It touched the Blue Castle — rolled over it. Valancy shivered.

“Yes,” she said, with painful eagerness, though every word was cutting her to the heart. “What — was — she — like?”

“Prettiest girl in Montreal,” said Dr. Redfern. “Oh, she was a looker, all right. Eh? Gold hair — shiny as silk — great, big, soft, black eyes — skin like milk and roses. Don’t wonder Bernie fell for her. And brains as well. She wasn’t