The Call of The Wild by Jack London Chapter 4 Page 2

In his judgment, Sol-leks was the best lead-dog left. Buck sprang upon Sol-leks in a fury, driving him back and standing in his place.

“Eh? eh?” Fran�ois cried, slapping his thighs gleefully. “Look at dat Buck. Heem keel dat Spitz, heem t’ink to take de job.”

“Go ’way, Chook!” he cried, but Buck refused to budge.

He took Buck by the scruff of the neck, and though the dog growled threateningly, dragged him to one side and replaced Sol-leks. The old dog did not like it, and showed plainly that he was afraid of Buck. Fran�ois was obdurate, but when he turned his back Buck again displaced Sol-leks, who was not at all unwilling to go.

Fran�ois was angry. “Now, by Gar, I feex you!”