The Cossacks by Leo Tolstoy Chapter 13 Page 3

(Yamka was an unmarried, disreputable Cossack woman who kept an illicit pot-house.) ‘I heard say they had drunk half a pailful.’

‘What luck that Snatcher has,’ somebody remarked. ‘A real snatcher. But there’s no denying he’s a fine lad, smart enough for anything, a right-minded lad! His father was just such another.

Daddy Kiryak was: he takes after his father. When he was killed the whole village howled. Look, there they are,’ added the speaker, pointing to the Cossacks who were coming down the street towards them.

‘And Ergushov has managed to come along with them too! The drunkard!’

Lukashka, Nazarka, and Ergushov, having emptied half a pail of vodka,