The Cossacks by Leo Tolstoy Chapter 21 Page 6

‘He is my kunak.’

‘He is my neighbour,’ answered the scout.

‘He’s a trump!’ and Lukashka, evidently much interested, began talking to the scout in Tartar.

Presently a Cossack captain, with the head of the village, arrived on horseback with a suite of two Cossacks. The captain — one of the new type of Cossack officers — wished the Cossacks ‘Good health,’ but no one shouted in reply, ‘Hail! Good health to your honour,’ as is customary in the Russian Army, and only a few replied with a bow. Some, and among them Lukashka, rose and stood erect. The corporal replied that all was well at the outposts.

All this seemed ridiculous: it was as if these