The Ghost by Arnold Bennet Chapter 16 Page 11

search and search, and be unhappy for the rest of his life because he couldn’t find me, gave me a kind of joy. So I left Pisa, and I took with me nothing but the few hundred lire which my mother had by her, and the toy dagger — my father’s gift — which she had always worn in her hair.

“I knew that I had a voice. Everyone said that, and my mother had had it trained up to a certain point. I knew that I could make a reputation. I adopted the name of Rosetta Rosa, and I set to work. Others have suffered worse things than I suffered. I made my way. Sir Cyril Smart, the great English impresario, heard me at Genoa, and offered me an engagement in London. Then my fortune was made. You know that story — everyone knows it.

“Why did I not guess at once that