The Hidden Children by Robert William Chambers Chapter 10 Page 79

frolic� . Well — God made men� . I know myself, too� . To love you as you wish is to care less for you than I already do. I would not willingly� . Yet, I may try if you wish it� . So that is all the promise I dare make you. Come — take me home now — if you care to walk as far with me.”

“And I who am asking you to walk through life with me?” I said, forcing a laugh.

We turned; she took my arm, and together we moved slowly back through the falling dusk.

And, as we approached her door, came a sudden and furious sound of galloping behind us, and we sprang to the side of the road as the express thundered by in a storm of dust and driving pebbles.

“News,” she whispered. “Do they bring good news as fast as bad?”