The Hidden Children by Robert William Chambers Chapter 15 Page 8

hanging around Otsego. I myself see no real reason why the ladies should not pay us a visit here, have their frolic, and later return with the heavier artillery down the river to Easton. Or, if they choose, they shall await our return from Catharines-town.”

“And if we do not return? Have you thought of that, Boyd?”

“You shall not conjure me with any such forebodings!” he laughed. “This raid of ours will be no very great or fearsome affair. They’ll run — your Brants and Butlers — I warrant you. And we’ll follow and burn their towns. Then, like the French king of old, down hill we’ll all go strutting, you and I and the army, Loskiel; and no great harm done to anybody or anything, save to the Senecas’ squash harvest,