The Hidden Children by Robert William Chambers Chapter 22 Page 21

“Oh, Euan! Yes, we all know now!� I have scarce slept since I heard, thinking of you� . When you have paid your respects to my mother and to Lana, come quietly away with me again. Lana has been weeping — what with the distant music of the approaching regiments, and the memory of him who will come no more — — ”

“I understand.”

She lifted her face to mine, laying her hands upon my shoulders.

“Dost thou truly love me, Lois?” I asked.

“Sat-kah-tos,” she murmured.

“Se-non-wes?” I insisted.

“Ke-non-wes, O Loskiel.” Her arms tightened around my neck, “Ai-hai! Ae-saya-tyen-endon! Ae-sah-hah-i-yen-en-hon —