The Hidden Children by Robert William Chambers Chapter 8 Page 42

“I was assassinated by Lana long ago,” said I, smiling. “I am proof.”

“Nevertheless, beware!” she whispered, as Boyd and Lana came sauntering up. And there seemed to me to be now about them both a careless indifference, almost studied, and in noticeable contrast to their bright limation when they had left us half an hour ago.

“Such a professional heart-breaker as your Mr. Boyd is,” observed Lana coolly to us both. “I never before encountered such assurance. What he must be in queue and powder, silk and small-sword, I dare not surmise. A pitying heaven has protected me so far, and,” she added, looking deliberately at Boyd, “I ought to be grateful, ought I not, sir?”

Boyd made her a too low and over-courtly bow.