The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud Chapter 2 Page 52


Footnote 1: “Ich möchte gerne etwas geniessen ohne 'Kosten' zu haben.” A a pun upon the word “kosten,” which has two meanings — ”taste” and “cost.” In “Die Traumdeutung,” third edition, p. 71 footnote, Professor Freud remarks that “the finest example of dream interpretation left us by the ancients is based upon a pun” (from “The Interpretation of Dreams,” by Artemidorus Daldianus). “Moreover, dreams are so intimately bound up with language that Ferenczi truly points out that every tongue has its own language of dreams. A dream is as a rule untranslatable into other languages.” — TRANSLATOR.

Footnote 2: It is worthy of remark that eminent philologists