The Little Lady of The Big House by Jack London Chapter 22 Page 26

say, ‘Bless you, my children.’ But just the same — ” He paused, and the laughter signals in the corners of his eyes advertised a whimsey — ”I’d say to myself that Leo was making a sad mistake. You see, he doesn’t know Paula.”

“She would be for interrupting his meditations on the stars,” Terrence smiled.

“Never, never, Leo, I promise you,” Paula exclaimed.

“There do you belie yourself, Mrs. Forrest,” Terrence assured her. “In the first place, you couldn’t help doing it. Besides, it’d be your bounden duty to do it. And, finally, if I may say so, as somewhat of an authority, when I was a mad young lover of a man, with my heart full of a woman and my eyes full of the stars,