Ten Years Later: The Man in The Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas Chapter 27 Page 21

to them how many minutes had lasted the painful journey made by their souls in the immensity of their remembrances of the past and fear of the future. Athos rose first, saying, “it is late, then� . Till to-morrow.”

Raoul rose, and in his turn embraced his father.

The latter held him clasped to his breast, and said, in a tremulous voice, “In two days, you will have left me, my son — left me forever, Raoul!”

“Monsieur,” replied the young man, “I had formed a determination, that of piercing my heart with my sword; but you would have thought that cowardly. I have renounced that determination, and therefore we must part.”

“You leave me desolate by going, Raoul.”