Ten Years Later: The Man in The Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas Chapter 43 Page 7

In presence of this ingenuous greatness of soul, Aramis felt his own littleness.

It was the second time he had been compelled to bend before real superiority of heart, which is more imposing than brilliancy of mind. He replied by a mute and energetic pressure to the endearment of his friend.

“Now,” said Porthos, “that we have come to an explanation, now that I am perfectly aware of our situation with respect to Louis XIV., I think, my friend, it is time to make me comprehend the political intrigue of which we are the victims — for I plainly see there is a political intrigue at the bottom of all this.”

“D’Artagnan, my good Porthos, D’Artagnan is coming, and will detail it to you in all its circumstances;