The Mountain Girl by Emma Payne Erskine Chapter 10 Page 22

“As far as human knowledge goes, there was no other way. Listen, Miss Cassandra, I have been where such accidents were frequent. Many a man’s leg have I taken off. Surgery is my work in life — don’t be horrified. I chose it because I wished to be a saver of life and a helper of my fellows.” She was shivering more from the nervous reaction than from the cold, and to David it seemed as if she were trying to draw farther away from him.

“Don’t shrink from me. There are so many in the world to kill and wound, some there must be to mend where it is possible. I saw in a moment that your intuition had led you rightly, and soon I knew what must be done; I only hope we were not too late. Don’t cry, Miss Cassandra. It makes me feel such a brute to have put you through it.”