The Mountain Girl by Emma Payne Erskine Chapter 11 Page 9

Cassandra now?” he asked, only more determined on his course the more he was hampered by circumstances.

“She’s in the loom shed weavin’. I throwed on the warp fer a blue and white bed kiver ‘fore I war hurt, an’ she hain’t had time to more’n half finish hit. I war helpin’ to get the weavin’ done whilst she war at school this winter, an’ come spring she war ‘lowin’ to come back an’ help Frale with the plantin’ an’ makin’ crap fer next year. Here in the mountains we-uns have to be forehanded, an’ here I be an’ can’t crawl scarcely yet.”

After the thrifty soul had taken a few steps, instead of realizing her good fortune in being able to take any, she was bitterly