The Mountain Girl by Emma Payne Erskine Chapter 20 Page 11

doin’ things — gitt’n married in bed, but if Bishop Towahs do hit, hit sure must be all right — leastways Cassandry’ll think so.”

David took the superintendence of the arrangement of his cabin upon himself, and Hoke Belew, with the bishop’s aid, carried out his directions. One side of his canvas room was rolled to the top, leaving the place open to the hills and the beauty without. His bed was placed so that he might face the open space, and that Cassandra could kneel at his right side. His writing-table, draped with a white cloth and covered with green hemlock boughs, formed the altar. It was all very quickly and simply done, and then David lay quiet, with closed eyes, listening to his musicians in the tree-tops, fluting their own gladness, while Hoke Belew went down below, and