The Mountain Girl by Emma Payne Erskine Chapter 27 Page 17

great glass jar which he obtained from a druggist in Farington. They had come to-day on a quest for snails to eat the green growth, which had so covered the sides of the jar as to hide the interesting water world within from the boy’s eyes. Many things had already occurred in that small world to set the boy thinking.

“Doctah Hoyle, you remembeh that thar quare bunch of leetle sticks an’ stones you put in my ‘quar’um first day you fixed hit up fer me?”

“Yes, yes.”

“Well, the’ is a right quare thing with a big hade come outen hit, an’ he done eat up some o’ the leetle black bugs. I seed him jump quicker’n lightnin’ at that leetlist fish only so long, an’ try to bite a piece outen his fin —