The Mountain Girl by Emma Payne Erskine Chapter 29 Page 12

“There, you see, it’s more than a Vandyke to the family, ma’m, for it’s a hancestor, and my wife says it’s as like as two peas to ‘is young lordship, who has just come into the title, ma’m. And that’s strange, isn’t it, for ‘im to look so like, being as ‘e belonged to the younger branch who ‘aven’t ‘eld the title for four generations; but come to dress ‘im in velvet and gold lace, and the likeness would be nigh as perfect as if ‘e ‘ad stood for it.”

Cassandra gazed so long silently at this picture that again the little man coughed his deprecatory cough and essayed to lead her on; but she was seeing visions and did not heed him. When at last she turned, her gray eyes had deepened, and a clearly defined spot of