The Mountain Girl by Emma Payne Erskine Chapter 5 Page 32

“You know that, Frale. Leave go, and hear to me.”

“Be ye ‘feared ‘nough to give me your promise, Cass?”

“Take your hand off me, Frale.”

“We’ll go back. I ‘low they mount es well take me first as last. I hain’t no heart lef’ in me. I don’t care fer that thar doctah man he’pin’ me, nohow,” he choked.

“Leave me go, and I’ll give you promise for promise, Frale. I can’t make out is it sin or not; but if God can forgive and love — when you turn and seek Him — the Bible do say so, Frale, but — but seem like you don’t repent your deed whilst you look at me like that way.” She paused, trembling.