The Pirate Woman by A E Dingle Chapter 13 Page 9

he replied surlily. “Your false marks did their work well.”

“Then thou’d rather pull a rope than hold a wheel, hey? ‘Tis but a wooden sailor, after all. I hoped such a ship would boast a seaman as master. I’ll show thee seamanship, sheep-heart!”

Out of the darkness astern came a roar:

“Anchor’s down! Heave away!”

And from the darkness aloft Stumpy bawled:

“There she flares! Mother o’ me!” The prayer, curse, whatever the last words might be, were called forth by a paralyzing flash of lightning that shone over the raging sea like a gigantic calcium-light. The schooner’s deck resounded with superstitious howls, which rose to awed cries from the weakest as from trucks and gaff-ends glowed and flickered the blue brush of St. Elmo’s