The Pirate Woman by A E Dingle Chapter 14 Page 6

Then without more ado the splendid human animal clutched a backstay and swarmed aloft with the agility of an ape, showing not a whit of strain after his battle with the roaring seas. He reached Stumpy, sent that numbed mariner down, and searched the waters with his keen vision, waiting for another lightning flash. And when it came, fainter now as the thunderstorm receded, his resonant voice boomed down:

“Broad abeam the sloop lies! She runs before the wind!”

“Slack away the main-sheet!” cried Dolores, heaving the helm up. “Hail every minute, Milo!”

“Shall I send him a shot immediately, lady?” roared Hanglip, at the schooner’s foremost gun.

“Hold with thy shots, villain! Does Rufe deserve no sport? Stand by with the grappling-hooks. I’ll