The Pirate Woman by A E Dingle Chapter 15 Page 2

wine in low, stout cups, spreading a silver salver with food from the pantry. And a thrilling picture she made in the soft glow of the lamp. The beautiful face was warm with color; the scarlet lips were slightly opened in a brilliant smile; intent upon her task, she swayed with superb grace to the tremendous lurches of the driving schooner, ignoring all outside affairs.

Her preparations completed, she placed tray and cups at the end of the table nearest the mainmast, turned around the deep armchair which had been the owner’s own, and sat down, offering a cup and the tray with a little laugh of satisfaction.

“Come, friend Rupert,” she said, thrilling Venner again with her vibrant voice, “thou shalt be first. Eat — and drink. See, for thee I do this.