The Pirate Woman by A E Dingle Chapter 6 Page 23

desertion impressed upon her, by the weird, drawn-out scream of jubilation that issued from the old woman’s withered throat an instant before her old eyes gave her sight of her mistress and froze the cry at her lips.

“Ha, ha, ha!” she shrieked, waving skinny arms. “That’s the way Red Jabez taught his lambs! Flesh your blade, my bully Rufe, and bring me some of the meat!”

Abruptly Dolores’s guests swung around to follow the direction of the old woman’s arm, and the girl darted a look of fury at the scene. Out from the point poured Yellow Rufe and a horde of strange mulattos and blacks, and shots crackled from the schooner’s rails. On the little bay two boats filled with Sancho and his men pulled frantically toward the fight, and the